Mitsubishi Electric Around the World
Special Event Malaysia
A friendly feast after a fast Mitsubishi Electric Sales Malaysia
November 2018
Alex Low Wai Fai (right in the photo below) is a marketing communications executive at Mitsubishi Electric Sales Malaysia.

Alex and the rest of the company take part in a celebration called Eid al-Fatr or Hari Raya Aidilfitri in Malaysia, which marks the end of Ramadan, a month in which most Muslims fast from dawn to sunset. Many workers in the city return to their hometowns, and “open houses” offering food to all comers are common.
Mitsubishi Electric Sales Malaysia shares in this tradition by having its own open house. It is a potluck system where everyone brings a dish, and the Human Resources team puts together a feast for everyone to enjoy. Decorations are put up, and attendees enjoy traditional Malaysian cuisine and delicacies.

Coworkers sharing a Hari Raya Aidilfitri meal
Because the event is celebrated throughout the company, Alex and his fellow employees are able to meet with colleagues from branches around the country, which gives them a rare opportunity to catch up with each other.
Malaysia is made of a blend of cultures, and joining the festivities of other cultures helps spread cheer and understanding between people. The welcoming atmosphere of this celebration makes it especially emblematic of the country.

The office of Mitsubishi Electric Sales Malaysia